

Relationships can be some of the most fulfilling experiences a person can have and they can also be the source of the most excruciating pain a person can experience.

“Marriage is a people growing machine” David Schnarch

Very few of us were taught well in terms of communication & relationship skills & so it is almost inevitable that our intimate relationships can do with some professional help. Just like you should take your car to the mechanic before that little noise turns into a big, more costly noise. It pays to bring your relationship in for a service from time to time.

Often in the people-growing machine of intimate relationship we are standing too close to our challenges to see the way out of them.

Relationship counselling allows things to be slowed down and held by the therapist so things can be seen and discussed by a trained third party.

In our culture there are a lot of beliefs around relationships and love and how things should work out if we love one another. Some of them are less than helpful and many of them don’t do justice to the effort and personal courage & honesty needed to have a fulfilling relationship.

The truth is that even a dysfunctional relationship can take quite a lot of our time and effort, including the ongoing relationships that people have with ex-partners as they continue to co-parent with them even post separation. Relationships can be both hard and very fulfilling. They are also represent a big part of our life and are worth investing in to help them be a healthy as possible. Whether coming together and wanting to lay a firm foundation for a long future together, needing help in working through communication or other challenges, evaluating if a relationship has a future or endeavouring to find a way through the minefield of separation, counselling can provide support so that people are well heard and relationships can be as life giving as possible.